Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Something of note....
I had the weirdest thing happen yesterday and wanted to tell ya'll :D
I had this sub in Math Class who kept claiming he was a wizard...then he told us about magic spells and proceeded to spend 15 minutes telling us a fable about 3 frogs named Friday, Mo, and Ghengis....yeah strange
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Neglection and breakup
Me and my girlfriend broke up today, mainly cuz when shes coming back to hinsdale I
'm leaving it to go to camp and we wont see eachother, were still friends tho. So yeah, its kinda weird for me, cuz she was my first girlfriend, to break up.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Summer is Sweet
I'm also going to camp for 3 weeks ina few weeks
We'll miss you Matt!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I need a twitter for these small updates
I also saw Up yesterday with Micah and it was really good
Sunday, June 7, 2009
All fixed!
I've also created my own but pirate crew!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
School Ended and Epic Party
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Another final O:
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
End of Year (eww i went all nostagalistay)
Alright, back to it, school is ending soon :D, but i've been thinking and it's gonna be so much different next year that im sorta gonna miss middle school. So since this year has been probably my favorite ever (I enjoyed school actually o.o) so i kinda wanted to make a top 5 things from this year as a memoir
1. I was outgoing!(in fact i dont think i shut my mouth once this year!)- this was probably the first year where i was really outgoing and got to know everyone. Thats what made this year the best ever. What kinda makes me upset tho is as soon as i get outgoing and get to be friends with everyone, we go into high school and i'll miss them all D:
2. First girlfriend!-this year i got my first girlfriend which has been pretty sweet.
3.All you guyzez- Blogging has been really kinda cool this year thank you guys!
4. Math class/tahir mohidin- I have the funniest math class ever, the teacher will talk for 15 minutes about sports or her sister getting ready for prom or basically anything, then theres Tahir, this emo/delinquent/bad attitude kid whos one of the other 8th graders and is hilarious because of how much he backsasses my teacher, its hilarious!
5. Funny Teachers in general- i dont know what it was but this year our teachers really drank crazy juice or somthin
oh wow, nostagalista over,im done
EDIT: and I tag Ghazal, 5 fave things about this year
Monday, May 25, 2009
Hallelujah (or however its spelled)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Ifollow what Matt did!
haha jk, iz afraid of stalkers and men who like boys
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Last Days Have Been Exciting!
Friday: Hung out with Derek and some of his 7th grade friends and played basketball in the rain
Saturday: My Sisters Birthday! I got cake and we saw Legally Blonde the musical (as funny as the movie is, the muscical was kinda dumb)to celebrate, and went to some awesome brazilian steakhouse
Sunday: Dereks again, i had to turn down some other people to hang out with him. But in the end it was fun again
Monday: Watched a movie at Tierney's house, alot of yo mama jokes got started up again at school
now I'm watching a bunch of futurama episodes
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Codas and Coasters (you know, the things you put under glasses)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I'm such a rapscallion
and I recieved an incredibly painful nut-shot today too
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cool Day!
oh and a couple girls I knew from math a while back called me cute on my way to Henrys house ^-^
Monday, May 4, 2009
You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative.
You can't help but get people to do what you want.
You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct.
You go after what you want, without mercy.
While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you.
You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object.
You Are the Heart Chakra
You are loving, kind, and empathetic. You feel for the world, and you truly value peace.
You have many close relationships, and you work hard to make them harmonious.
You are accepting and understanding. You are tolerant of all sorts of viewpoints, even if you don't agree with them.
You are very forgiving. When you love someone, your love is unconditional.
Your Body's Element is Water
You are a joyful, relaxed, and luminous person.
You love people. You live for making new friends and helping others.
You are enthusiastic and the ideal person to work with.
You don't mind doing hard tasks, and you have a generous spirit.
Your energy tends to be: conserved
You power color is: black
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday was really fun. A new 8th grader was touring the school for the first part of the day and all of the girls were drooling all over him, some even followed him from clothing class all the way to the gym.(Raymond, who gave him the tour, said tho that he was sorta a punk tho.)I had a lot of fun poking fun at the obsession going around (such as how hilarious it would be if he was gay). I even got some free snacks by memorizing his schedule and telling girls what classes he's in :P.
Anyway, I'm writing a poem about sleep for L.A and I need some feedback and some title suggestions which is really important since its short.
How is it
that beneath the peaceful night sky
the stars spinning gently as if on a carousel
the quiet rustling of branches
beneath natures heartbeat...
that one may not sleep
for fear of tommorow
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Enneagram rulz
Anyway, its a personality typing system. When I did a whole inquiry into psychology last year I came across it.
I'm a type 9 btw
Monday, April 27, 2009
We have so many awesome pointless fieldtrips ^_^
Last friday we had another pointless field-trip, this time for computer graphics :D. We went into Chicago to take pictures so we could edit them. We actually asked for a field trip and got one :P
The bus was fun, me and Nick had a fake photo shoot and made lyrics to a heavy-metal song for our made up 80's metal band "Screaming Pain".
We got there and many awesome events ensued including a pigion super-star named Olivia, numerous model poss involving Mark's awesome sun-glasses. It was nice out, 80 degrees and sunny.
thats it...nothing much happens when you're grounded...
Added later: oh! and I watched Legally Blonde and am not afraid to say it was a great movie. Hilarious
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I shall explain
Since i got an "unacceptable" report card. (I got a B in spanish *gasp* :I) my parents are constantly monitering my grades for 4th quarter. Since I failed the first spanish quiz it looked like I'm doing horrible so thats it (its already up BTW)
I know its crazy, but my parents think I'll end up as a truck driver or something if I don't get perfect grades
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Soccer season begins!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Night Owl Post!
anyway, i learned that apparently my great-uncle larry was gonna be a priest, until they found him doing the whoopie with another priest,
I have such a weird family xD, maybe ill talk about them later
also, does the EMD train factory in London, Ontario affect you guys at all? It used to belong to GM so im curious
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Crazy Sub :D
oh, I forgot I saw the stupidest TV show today. I was at Tierneys house and we were watching a show called The Cougar. It's like The Batchelor except with an old lady!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Are you male or female:
American Boy- Estelle
Describe yourself:
Daydreamin'-Lupe Fiasco
How do you feel about yourself?
Stay Hungry- Twisted Sister
Describe where you currently live:
Livin' on the edge-Aerosmith
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Stairway to Heaven-Led Zepplin
Your favorite mode of transportation:
Kick, Push- Lupe Fiasco
Your best friend is:
All The Young Dudes-Mott the Hoople
Your favorite color is:
Kashmir-Led Zepplin
What's the weather like?
Hot N Cold- Katy Perry
Favourite time of day?
18 and Life-Skid Row
If your life was a t.v. show, what would it be called?
Land of Confusion-Disturbed
What is life to you?
More than a feeling-Boston
What is the best advice you have to give:
Let it Rock-Kevin Rudolph
If you could change your name, what would it be?
Your favourite food is:
Shattered Glass-Britney Spears(blegh horrible song, my favorite food is 6th graders. they're so crunchy! Bite-sized morsels!:d)
Thought for the day:
Dream On-Aerosmith
How would you like to die:
Inside the fire-Disturbed
Your soul's current condition:
Indistructable- Disturbed (again :P)
The faults you can bear:
Poker Face-Lady Gaga (it makes no sense i know)
Andrew! You got tagged!
Devilish Dog
1. He tricks, When he feels there is an opportunity to run away, like today when i was moving my bike and him. He sits down, and lets the unsuspecting walker to yank on the collar and pull it off his head! (other opportunitys include someone else walking the dog, when you're talking to people, running him etc.)
2. He waits. When people enter the house, sometimes they forget to close the door, he then seizes the moment to escape
3. He knows, it's not very fun being outsmarted by a dog, but many have found that my dog is unsurpassed in the ability to outsmart us people. One of his schemes was, he went around a telphone pole, just out of sight, made his move, and escaped
oh yah! and the trip! we have such pointless trips (we went to six flags twice last year on field trips)
-me and Able played on his itouch for alot of it
-we had a salsa chugging contest, we wern't the only table either, Danny ate 3 bowls and threw up
Monday, April 13, 2009
I got a sex change! No, Really!
Today: I brought an Incredibly delicious cinnamon twist thing that tasted like pie crust draped in sticky bun stuff. Then after school, i sorta ditched micah (sorry man :( ) to hang out with Tierney, cuz we havent talked for a while, and cuz Raymond (as cool a guy as he is,is sometimes a gossipy little girl) made it sound like she was gonna break up with me.
Yesterday: I was invited to a party at Miles's house :I and it was suprisingly fun, cuz Andrew pulled some strings at the last moment and got him and Micah invited. We played Halo and Soul Caliber 4, where i kept saying pervy stuff and commenting on the epic Asian power of the charecters (which got Andrew very angry)
Saturday: Hung out at Derek's cuz he's awesome like that, we had epic mario kart 64 battles and played Donkey Kong 64 too
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Parody Repost
it's on "soak up the sun" by Sheryl Crow
NOTE: this isn't about me or anything
Hey I'm a Nerd Everyone.
Played Runescape all my life
most call me really dweeby
they say I'm full of gas
I call 'em super newbies
I'm not too good at sports
can't even do one pushup
don't have that acne cream
which I really, really need
Hey I'm a nerd everyone
gonna pwn everyone at Halo 3 (Gonna tell em that)
I might be kinda lame
but I'm gonna watch Star wars day and night
I'm a nerd everyone
I'm a nerd everyone
I've got a cool bowtie
and really neat suspenders
I really love X-men
I've got a perfect grade now
I destroy at Yu-gi-oh
sounds awkward when I say yo
I've got really big glasses
and I must kill the phantom menace
Hey I'm a nerd everyone
I'm kinda obese
I never break the rules
I love World of Warcraft
I am a nerdy guy, but baby
I'm a goin to M.I.T
I destroy at Yu-gi-oh
sounds awkward when I say yo
I've got really big glasses
and I must kill the phantom menace
Maybe I am nerdy too
Hey I'm a nerd everyone
I've got my PSP on
so I can rock on
Friday, April 10, 2009
hurray for sleepy drugs!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Crazy Teachers!
Mrs. Glosniak- (you guys remember) I had her in 6th grade. she use to yell at me EVERY day for not sitting right or having my books in a mess. Once she even dumped all my stuff on the floor!
Dr. Junker- I've discussed him before, he's the one with the low pencil sharpener, he's a perv!
Mrs. Micheals-I'm not in her class, but everyone says she likes to touch students
Mr. Puc-great teacher but Flamingly Gay, not even joking. Says things like O-ka-ly-dok-al-y rolls his eyes back into his head, has a lisp and such
Mrs. Vorreyer-this is a personal opinion, but she gets mad at me alot for no reason and always threatens to take away my honors reccomendedation cuz' I'm unorganized and such
I needz more music!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Gah, more bad luck
My Very Own Slave-Child!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Gross tooth thing D:
Monkeys Attacking My House!
1. Sell them to science and buy an ipod touch with the money
2. Utelize my ninja skillz
3. train them and create my own evil army muahahahahh
4. animal control
5. A gun?
I tag Ghazal w/e you want
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I have gained mega spam skillz
Math Time!
In this game I was playing today (mario party 1 :P)you have a choice to get 10% on the money you earn or double it 50% of the time and half it the otheor half (casino). From a first look, you would think it would be smarter to get the 10% right? Wrong, in actuallity the casino option is better
if you get 10 coins with the 10% option for 2 games you end up with 22coins
with the casino option if you win 10 coins (ouble it the first time, half it the second) youend up with 25 coins
how clever of the developers! Make you think the best option is one of the worst
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I'm bored
I was just thinking about the L.A
Friday, April 3, 2009
top 5:Video games
I've been replaying some old classic games(i don't buy new ones now) so I'm gonna recount my top 5 games ever (limited to what I've played before o' course, nintendo stuff N64-Present)
1.Luigi's Mansion GCN- Sweetest game ever...I've replayed this one and gotten a perfect mansion
2 Super Smash Bros Brawl Wii- It's not that old but I still consistantly play this game and it's been out for over a year (I have insane skillz at this game, AS PEACH)
3. Starwars Battlefront 2 PS2- I don't own it but this game kicks ass just the same
4. Super Mario Sunshine GCN-this game is good too. It's almost a sandbox game
5. Mario Party1 N64- hey, the origional was good
I tag...MICAH just do a top 5 for w/e you want
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Last Day At Colorado
It's snowed a TON like 3.5 feet in 4 days, perfect for powder bording, of course it meant the terrain park was closed but w/e.
I'm much better now! I'm becoming less reliant on my heel side and more proficient with my toe side
Lifts closed at 4:30 so I had plenty (almost too much) free time to do chill and stuff
My girlfriend was liek texting me non-stop which got kinda annoying after a while(I have a dislike of texting), but hey, Shes always fun too talk too so I'm kinda glad she did.
I got stuck waist deep in snow for about 20 mins today! It was crazy!
blah blah blah boring stuff blah blah blah
That wuz mah vacation.
P.S mainly cuz of Jess's tag, I'd like to point out that taht America has just as many idiots as any other place! Go U.S.A
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
NOOOO! TAGGED! Why I love Mr. Fuzzles
1. He is 70% hamster 30% guinea pig and 100% cool.
2. He is too cool for math
3. He eats beyond the laws of proportion! Besides from "the incident" he can eat his food as much as he wants without giving out any waste!
4.He has so many looks!
5.he can smite people with his hamster based wrath. He will smite U!!!!!!!
6 he secretly plots to one day rule the world
7.He can run on his wheel!
I taggggggg. Ghazal! 7 reasons you love boyz!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Mr. Fuzzles gets in touch with the 21 century
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Dumb Celebritys
anyway, stupidity is the best medicine! so enjoy!
"I can't really remember the names of the clubs that we went to."
- Shaquille O'Neal, basketball player, on whether he had visited the Parthenon during his visit to Greece
"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."
- Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign.
"I don't think the Republicans can damage my character."
- Bill Clinton, former U.S. President (lol, who gets that?)
"I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
- Britney Spears, Pop Singer (XDD)
"Beyond its entertainment value, Baywatch has enriched and, in many cases, helped save lives. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue with a project which has has such a significance for so many."
- David Hasselhoff, Actor
"The world is more like it is now then it ever has before."
- Dwight Eisenhower
"Yes, maam? Right here, this lady. No, she! Yes, right, second row. Next to the guy in the blue shirt, holding her left hand up. It's a he? Sorry about that. Gotta be careful. I'm very sorry. Go ahead! I'm, excuse me, I'm very sorry. Go, ah, I, a thousand apologies, go ahead."
- George Bush Sr., Former U.S. President, at a press conference
"I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them."
- George Bush, former U.S. President
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I learned alot today!
1. I inherited my Dad's teeth...I went to the dentist and he checked out my teeth and thought they were really clean but then he checked out the x-ray's and apparently I have a cavity in a tooth that hasn't even started coming in yet, he said he's never seen that before and it's totally unexplainable, so I geuss I'm a special I have to have a root canal tho...that seems painful.
2. The origional is always best. I went over to Dereks house and we played the origional Mario Party for the max amount of turns and NEVER got bored, that waz beastly
3.People will do alot to avoid conflict. I kinda already knew this but w/e. The point is whenever someone disagrees with my sister she screams at them into submissio(yes even my mom) i have no idea why it works but it does.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Things have been way too boring
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
I pester again!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Basketball season over :(
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Iihsrhpejhhretuhfgh B-L-U-R-B odjrtujio;yiojytiopj
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The last few days
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Me In Real Life
- I talk anyone and everyone
- I'm less blunt in real life. Subtlety isn't exactly my strong point when I blogxD
- I'm really laid-back in real life
- I can't draw for beans
- I doodle a ton tho, mainly random smileys and shapes
- I'm a good student, I'm not great but I'm pretty good
- I get in trouble with teachers alot(see 1)
- Bored easily
- Very disorganized, procrastinator
- My Myer-Briggs type is ISFP I think or maybe ESFP... and my enneagram type is 9
- I have the coolest dog in existance..ths is not an opinion
- I fight ninjas (ha just kidding, I kid those who fight ninjas)
- Iz funny
- (this list will continue to grow until i get bored)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
P.S I liek barely know all u canadians, so I wouldn't be suprised if I'm way off
P.S when I'm done Matt u get TAGGED
Monday, March 9, 2009
Poems I wrote
As I wait in the forest during dusk
I see nature’s beauty in orange tints
Plain as day itself, nature bears no foul intent
Night falls…
Shadows of what is unseen
Mask what is.
What we cannot see, we fear.
Isn’t this the same forest of innocence and life?
Just set in a different light
I ponder the setting sun
Giving its last flair of brilliance
Then disappearing behind the distant horizon
Ever-present yet subdued
After time’s advance it recurs from the ashes like a long-forgotten phoenix
Unfurling its wings and taking flight anew
I reflect on the Suns life
Won’t it in its closing moments
Give a last flare of radiance
Shatter into cosmic dust
Then assemble into another star
Won’t the universe too have a part in this eternal waltz?
Of life and death
Of resurrection
I ponder myself
When I am aged
Won’t I also consign my final breath?
But will I die forever?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Death Note
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Disney Channel Stars
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Random Facts
1. Women out by Men on technology 3/2
2. People over 50 account for 25% of gameing matrket. Adult Women accounnt for about 30% of the video game market...boys 17 and under only account for 23%
4. 1 out of 4,500 kids are born with ambigous sex organs
6.11% of girls 13-25 are vegan
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Your Personality Cluster is Extraverted Feeling |
![]() You are able to make everyone feel comfortable and special. You have a large social circle with friends from all walks of life. You are supportive, encouraging, and truly happy when people around you succeed. You're a great leader who gains loyalty and respect easily. |
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Gimp is like photoshop that doesn't cost 600$ Here's one of my pics. I'm not pro, but hey, i can use filters :p
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Micah Banned?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
weird L.A time
What is the grade for Huck Finn completion about. Why did I earn a 0 on this assignment?
Monday, February 23, 2009
School Day
since i take Alg2 trig at the high school so I'm close enough to walk. It's FREEZING in the winter, but kinda of refreshing in the spring and fall. I can't wait for it to warm up.
Math: Uhhh...Math stuff. We just finished an unit today and the test was suprisingly easy :). Typically she throws problems from every which way at you.
Then i get bussed to the Middle School
Band: Band cuts both ways. The actual playing of music sucks, but since Im near the back, I get to talk to people and fun stuff like that :).
Science: Boringly easy, but Mr.E basically lets me do my hw in his class. So Science is good.
Span.: *barf* spanish, My achilles heel, i suck at it XD. Lets jsut say im taking Latin next year
S.S: Mrs. M lets us talk...ALOT...which roks.
Gym: Gym is the best. We play awesome sports. Of course now we're starting health and fitness, *ick* where we basically jumprope for 3 weeks. But hey thats the price for ultimate frisbee
Comp. Graphics: Making CG stuff is one of my hobbies so class is one of my faves. I wish they gave us more time to freestyle make stuff tho
L.A: We're reading Huck Finn now, which is kinda nice considering we spent the first half of the year reading poetry and stuff made by depressed and crazy people (examples include Walden, Edgar Allen Poe, and Hawthorne)
then i go home and PARTY
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
My Sweet Parody
NOTE: this isn't about me or anything, jsut poking fun at the mega super ultra nerd stereotype
Hey I'm a Nerd Everyone.
By Sam Hamilton
Played Runescape all my life
most call me really dweeby
they say I'm full of gas
I call 'em super newbies
I'm not too good at sports
can't even do one pushup
don't have that acne cream
which I really, really need
Hey I'm a nerd everyone
gonna pwn everyone at Halo 3 (Gonna tell em that)
I might be kinda lame
but I'm gonna watch Star wars day and night
I'm a nerd everyone
I'm a nerd everyone
I've got a cool bowtie
and really neat suspenders
I really love X-men
I've got a perfect grade now
I destroy at Yu-gi-oh
sounds awkward when I say yo
I've got really big glasses
and I must kill the phantom menace
Hey I'm a nerd everyone
I'm kinda obese
I never break the rules
I love World of Warcraft
I am a nerdy guy, but baby
I'm a goin to M.I.T
I destroy at Yu-gi-oh
sounds awkward when I say yo
I've got really big glasses
and I must kill the phantom menace
Maybe I am nerdy too
Hey I'm a nerd everyone
I've got my PSP on
so I can rock on