Thursday, April 9, 2009

Crazy Teachers!

Our school roks, but we have some mildly to totally insane teachers in our school. I shall list them! (granted I don't like many teachers XD)

Mrs. Glosniak- (you guys remember) I had her in 6th grade. she use to yell at me EVERY day for not sitting right or having my books in a mess. Once she even dumped all my stuff on the floor!

Dr. Junker- I've discussed him before, he's the one with the low pencil sharpener, he's a perv!

Mrs. Micheals-I'm not in her class, but everyone says she likes to touch students

Mr. Puc-great teacher but Flamingly Gay, not even joking. Says things like O-ka-ly-dok-al-y rolls his eyes back into his head, has a lisp and such

Mrs. Vorreyer-this is a personal opinion, but she gets mad at me alot for no reason and always threatens to take away my honors reccomendedation cuz' I'm unorganized and such


  1. .. I'm unorganized.. But wow, most teachers at my school are -PWNSOME-

  2. Yeesh, maybe you should slow down with the gay-calling.

    Besides, Mr. Puc is great. And I have Mrs. Michaels as an advisor, I don't know why people thinks she's mean

  3. well if he's not gay then he ACTS gay, and everyone thinks he's gay. Mrs. Micheals isn't mean, (i had her as an sdvisor too). But EVERYONE in Mrs. Micheals class reports her flirting with students in some way shape or form. One of the times I was in advisory she came in and started obviously flirting with Mr. Dusek. it was so funny XD

  4. You should Add Mr. Schram. He's a great guy, but oh-so-slightly totally insane.

  5. oh yah, i forgotz about him, good teacher, but i remember this one time he gave 2 guyys F's for the quarter just cuz they were messing around in the video studio

  6. We have some pretty insane teachers too, mainly Mr. Grey-Sideburns.

  7. come to think about it, almost ALL of our 8th grade teachers are insane in some way or another, minus mrs johnson
