Friday, April 10, 2009

hurray for sleepy drugs!

IU got my tooth disposed of today and it was completely painless. They just put me on some gas and an intravenous thing and I was conscience but sufficiently sleepy and happy, until they got rid of it. It wuz actually kinda cool :P. Anyway when i got back i tooka long 4 hour nap once again due to the nitrous oxide. My mouth is still numb but it was fun


  1. .. You guys are all lucky you get to miss school or anything for doctor appointments or surgeries, etc.. I am healthy, dammit!

  2. we got school off today anyway for good friday anyway

  3. ya same here which is why yesterday was our last day, now i am on vacation.
    Ya that gas strangely makes me all giggly inside. how long did it take? i ws in Mexico for 3 and a half hours for my Rootcanal

  4. BTW the title Had me Laughing so hard LOL

  5. Um..I have a swollen lymph node now..just thought I'd let you know.
    I don't think I'll miss school though =(
    No 5-day weekend for me.

  6. Oh, and I forgot to say 2 things:
    1.the thing is swollen because I think part of my gum is infected =(
    2.At least it didn't it bleeding?

  7. i have a huge cut in y mouth...i cant eat because of it....well at least its hard too:(

  8. wow, are Dev and I the only ones with healthy mouths?

  9. :P TiHi! LOL AT Ghazal's comment!

  10. I HAD a healthy mouth =(
    I'm never eating Sun Chips again.
