Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I shall explain

To prevent from people thinking I iz stupid (cuz I iz not), I must explain

Since i got an "unacceptable" report card. (I got a B in spanish *gasp* :I) my parents are constantly monitering my grades for 4th quarter. Since I failed the first spanish quiz it looked like I'm doing horrible so thats it (its already up BTW)

I know its crazy, but my parents think I'll end up as a truck driver or something if I don't get perfect grades


  1. A B in Spanish?

    (sorry about parents are more lenient with grades than most)

  2. My parents are the same way. I am always under the constant strain that if I do not get perfect grades I will sell hotdogs on the road or flip burgers at McDonalds.

  3. I don't know, sleeping in the taxi that you drive can be a pretty good life.

    If you think about it, truck driving is just another way to tell society, "It's not that I'm not trying, it's that everyone else tries too hard."

    --Andrew M. (1994-)
