Saturday, March 28, 2009

I learned alot today!

Today was really kinda weird...

1. I inherited my Dad's teeth...I went to the dentist and he checked out my teeth and thought they were really clean but then he checked out the x-ray's and apparently I have a cavity in a tooth that hasn't even started coming in yet, he said he's never seen that before and it's totally unexplainable, so I geuss I'm a special I have to have a root canal tho...that seems painful.

2. The origional is always best. I went over to Dereks house and we played the origional Mario Party for the max amount of turns and NEVER got bored, that waz beastly

3.People will do alot to avoid conflict. I kinda already knew this but w/e. The point is whenever someone disagrees with my sister she screams at them into submissio(yes even my mom) i have no idea why it works but it does.


  1. Aahhhh...

    Root canal...

    That's gotta kill

  2. And how did you do that to your background?

  3. uhhh I uploaded my CG stuff to photobucket and edited the HTML

  4. Root Canal??? *sighs* trust me you don't want one...i was in dentist in Mexico for 3 hours getting mine 2 years ago... they gave me medicine to make me sleepy though...

  5. the weird thing is that the cavity developed even before it surfaced...the dentist said thats like almost impossible...

  6. Wow Sam, you are unique. Root canal? You poor guy... I wish you luck.

  7. ok, what do you do after you get it on photo bucket?

  8. holy cow, a root canal? on a tooth that hasn't even come in? I suppose that would explain your toothaches...

  9. Aww, that sucks(root canal). But that is unusual.

  10. Extremely unusual, in fact, I did not even know that was possible.
