Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Iihsrhpejhhretuhfgh B-L-U-R-B odjrtujio;yiojytiopj

"I'M GONNA BUY SOME POTATOE CHIPZ, I WUV DEM" "no man, you can't buy from the corperations man, they're trying to possess your little mind man, turn you into a robot for they're coroperatr gamez"...singggg sing a songgg make it simple to last the whole nighhhttt llloonnnngggg, ddooonnn'''tt mattteeerrrr iiff iittsss not good enough for anyone else to hearrrr just singggg sing a song. "EXCEPT LIEK THAT, YOU SUCK AT SINGING". DISTURBIA DISTURBIAaaa. U NUBK43S I PWNS U WITZ MAH SKEELZ AT HALOEZZZZZZ... ello guvna fancy a spot of cricket good old chap.... OMG IT"S ZACH EFRON. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. HE'S SUCH A HUNK OF MAN CANDY. OMG did you see what Tiffany was wearing today, I KNOW IT WAS SOOOOO LAST SEASON, she didn't even have a parka to match her hat.



  1. *read "man candy" and fell off chair*

  2. Your angry aura is chillin my mellow man.the government wants to control you man, take over your mind, fight the government with your music man,

  3. XD he does that...
    It's a joke though (I think)
    he also does a funny snotty girl impersonation XD

  4. I can do a great valley girl impersonation, British person, Australian person, French person, Russian person, and Texan.
