Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Me In Real Life

I'll say it and I think it goes for everyone, but I'm alot different in real life than I am online. So here goes some general info about me

  1. I talk anyone and everyone
  2. I'm less blunt in real life. Subtlety isn't exactly my strong point when I blogxD
  3. I'm really laid-back in real life
  4. I can't draw for beans
  5. I doodle a ton tho, mainly random smileys and shapes
  6. I'm a good student, I'm not great but I'm pretty good
  7. I get in trouble with teachers alot(see 1)
  8. Bored easily
  9. Very disorganized, procrastinator
  10. My Myer-Briggs type is ISFP I think or maybe ESFP... and my enneagram type is 9
  11. I have the coolest dog in existance..ths is not an opinion
  12. I fight ninjas (ha just kidding, I kid those who fight ninjas)
  13. Iz funny
  14. (this list will continue to grow until i get bored)
Meh...I'm done for now