Monday, February 23, 2009

School Day

Well...I might as well talk about what my day at school is like, so here

since i take Alg2 trig at the high school so I'm close enough to walk. It's FREEZING in the winter, but kinda of refreshing in the spring and fall. I can't wait for it to warm up.

Math: Uhhh...Math stuff. We just finished an unit today and the test was suprisingly easy :). Typically she throws problems from every which way at you.

Then i get bussed to the Middle School

Band: Band cuts both ways. The actual playing of music sucks, but since Im near the back, I get to talk to people and fun stuff like that :).

Science: Boringly easy, but Mr.E basically lets me do my hw in his class. So Science is good.

Span.: *barf* spanish, My achilles heel, i suck at it XD. Lets jsut say im taking Latin next year

S.S: Mrs. M lets us talk...ALOT...which roks.

Gym: Gym is the best. We play awesome sports. Of course now we're starting health and fitness, *ick* where we basically jumprope for 3 weeks. But hey thats the price for ultimate frisbee

Comp. Graphics: Making CG stuff is one of my hobbies so class is one of my faves. I wish they gave us more time to freestyle make stuff tho

L.A: We're reading Huck Finn now, which is kinda nice considering we spent the first half of the year reading poetry and stuff made by depressed and crazy people (examples include Walden, Edgar Allen Poe, and Hawthorne)

then i go home and PARTY