Saturday, May 2, 2009


! anyway poems and recent events!

Friday was really fun. A new 8th grader was touring the school for the first part of the day and all of the girls were drooling all over him, some even followed him from clothing class all the way to the gym.(Raymond, who gave him the tour, said tho that he was sorta a punk tho.)I had a lot of fun poking fun at the obsession going around (such as how hilarious it would be if he was gay). I even got some free snacks by memorizing his schedule and telling girls what classes he's in :P.

Anyway, I'm writing a poem about sleep for L.A and I need some feedback and some title suggestions which is really important since its short.


How is it
that beneath the peaceful night sky
the stars spinning gently as if on a carousel
the quiet rustling of branches
beneath natures heartbeat...
that one may not sleep
for fear of tommorow


  1. If you're free, why is Mr. Fuzzles still grounded?

  2. AWESOME. How cute is he? :P

    The poem is awesome, I meant.

  3. I love the poem. It was great. As for a title... Fear to Wake? Anyway, great to see that you are back.

  4. ^^good to be back ^_^

    @bre: apparently incredibly so(tall, blonde, hair over-one-eye, skater type), i didnt think he was anything special, but you could float a boat on all the drool, it might be a hype thing tho, not that many people have seen him

  5. Or, they might just be making a big fuss because he is something new to look at. As long as your girlfriend's eyes don't wander, what do you care, right? Also, who moves when they are barely 2 months left of school?

  6. Hmm, what does stars on a carousel have to do with fearing tomorrow?


  7. i have 2 and a half weeks of school ^^

  8. XD wow
    he's in Micah and my art class...
    he's a... *cough cough* douche *cough cough*

  9. i would give him more time, he's new of course
